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Functional Movement (Fit Align)

By focusing on breathwork, it tones the core and calms the nervous system, helping to decompress and strengthen joints.

What is Functional Movement
(Fit Align)?

Fit Align Functional Movement is a comprehensive program designed to naturally align posture and integrate pain-free movement into daily routines. By focusing on breathwork, it tones the core and calms the nervous system, helping to decompress and strengthen joints.


The program incorporates assisted and self-stretching techniques to release tension in antagonist muscles while simultaneously strengthening weaker areas prone to pain. Self-massage is utilized to free the fascia, enhancing overall mobility and flexibility.


Additionally, Fit Align Functional Movement emphasizes activating and lengthening the psoas muscle, fostering a more functional connection with the diaphragm. This holistic approach not only alleviates chronic pain but also promotes a balanced, more efficient body movement, leading to improved physical performance and well-being.

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